Tuesday, April 15, 2014

My Immaturity Is Showing

I may have just turned 21, but that does not mean that I have grown out of my sometimes childish sense of humor. St Andrews is full of interesting street names that you just wouldn't find anywhere in the United States. But my favorite street name is located conveniently in the middle of campus. 

Now, I know when this little alleyway was originally named, it was not intended to be reminiscent of flatulence, and that Wynd is pronounced as you would say the wind in a winding road, but I still can't help but giggle every time I take a stroll down Butts Wynd. I also like to imagine the reason the street sign is placed so far above the street is because an untold number of passerby's of the years have found the sign just as funny as me and run off with it.

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